Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vegetable gardening - the composting process

Compost occurs on organic matter decomposition. This process is based on the activity of aerobic bacteria, micro-enterprises in some cases, worms and other insects and fungi. These micro-organisms, however, also require, air, water, food and warmth for the process to work effectively.

They air - composting microbes are aerobic (require air to work) .to be sure that there are respiratory tract in the pile of compost, break, and mix the ingredients and turn the battery regularly to aerate it.

Water - keeping reasonably wet compost for optimal conditions of compost heap. Too wet or too dry and the process will be slow.

Food (nitrogen) - the ingredients that add to its heap provided food for the microorganism ingredients are classified as browns or green.The right balance of green and Brown, also helps with the ventilation and moisture content of the heap.

Browns are materials dry plant and dead leaves of autumn e.g. straw, fallen, bark or even cardboard.

Green are garden plant materials e.g. cuts of grass, fruit or pieces of vegetables crudos.estos are generally high in nitrogen.

Warmth - generally the hottest compost heap more fast heat generated by the larger heap microbios.Un compostaje.El process also tends to be warmer.

Ingredients - what is due and not of not

The idea is to produce a balanced mixture of green and Brown ingredients, combined with optimal environmental conditions, producing a good quality compost.

Do include, falling leaves, paper carton, crushed, bark, straw and wood chips / Hay, imported some weed (without seeds), plants, algae, cuts of grass, green leaves, tea bags crushed shell egg, sawdust, coffee grounds and fruits.

Do not use grass clippings or plants which have been treated with herbicides or chemicals as they can contaminate the produced compost, materials, or products of human waste and animals, flesh, bones, fatty foods, diseased plants, resistant weeds or cooked vegetables.

Deposits of composting

There are many locations of composting, these include plastic or wooden trays rotation vessels and worm bins for compostaje.Usted could, of course, develop his own using recycled materials.

Paul Shipley A.I. Hort, DIP.H.(Inst.)(G)

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