Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall Garden Tasks

Gardening in the fall is a great time to look back on your garden success, but there's still time left for most of us to do some last minute garden maintenance. Fall gardening takes advantage of cooler temperatures and less bugs. Putting the garden to bed isn't nearly as hectic as waking it up in the spring. Here are some tasks to do now, to make next year's garden even better.

1. Enrich garden beds with compost or manure.

2. Collect dried seed from open pollinated flowers & veggies.

3. Clean bird feeders to get them ready for use.

4. Gather herbs, seed heads and flowers for drying.

5. Clean out cold frames for winter use.

6. Cover water gardens with netting to keep the falling leaves out.

7. Keep trees and shrubs well watered until the ground freezes.

8. Cut back most perennials. Definitely cut back diseased perennials and remove all foliage. Don’t compost.

9. Clean, sand and oil garden tools before storing them for the winter.

10. Take cuttings.

View the original article here

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