Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Enjoy Better Flowers, Ferns and Veggies With Organic Gardening Compost

Lawns luxuriant in greenery, abounding with flowers and ferns of immense beauty, need no more be only a picture in that gardening journal, which you subscribe to every month. Nor are they limited to the prerogative of the rich and the famous, if you take the initiative of switching over to organic gardening compost to feed that green gold growing in your backyard.

Do you want your roses and dahlias to be as plush and healthy as those growing in the garden of the celebrities? Do you want your kitchen garden to produce nothing but healthy eatables free of chemicals and pesticides? You most certainly do. Then treat your plants with organic compost.

With environmental concerns gaining precedence with each passing day, the health of your plants has become as important as your own well-being. Just like you, your plants too require a good diet of nutrients to help them stay fit and last long. This can only be supplied by administering a good dose of organically prepared compost.

Compost is, in other words, the complete planned food for plants as it carries all the nutrients that the plants need in just the right measure. Phosphorous, Potassium and Nitrogen are the key nutrients that plants derive from it. It is free from those harmful chemicals that may cause damage to the health of your plants and at some point of time to your own health if you eat veggies laced with chemicals.

It comprises organic matter which decomposes gradually, thereby imparting nourishment and health to the soil. Organically produced compost replenishes the soil with all the vital nutrients that may be missing, but which a plant requires to grow in a healthy manner, preparing it for good gardening.

Next, it helps the soil lock in adequate moisture, which again, is quite important for good growth of the plants. It gives the soil nutrients that plants can ingest with great ease. If you are an environment buff, it is advisable for you to prepare compost on your own. This can be done easily by collecting materials at hand.

Organic Gardening Compost can be prepared with anything that has the capacity to decompose organically including left over food, decaying veggies and animal droppings (excluding that of cats and dogs as it can spread diseases), but care should be taken to avoid those elements that have the capacity to germinate again. The material should be put into a composting bin in layers and kept covered to protect it from rain, mixing it regularly to see that the layers decompose properly and completely.

Clint Sidney is a gardening enthusiast and recommends this excellent Organic Gardening Compost. You can learn more about gardening at

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