Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Garden Perpetually Bursting With Life

This article will show you how you can start to have such a garden full of edible plants with only 8 to 10 hours of work per YEAR, no digging, fertilizers or pesticides.

Now is just the right time of the year for people living in the northern hemisphere to start preparing to have their own organic vegetables on the table coming spring. That is a start to becoming self-sufficient, which by the way, is the only way to weather an economic slump; and it's common knowledge that organic food improves overall health. When you are healthy, you don't have medical bills to pay. That's another big saving, apart from saving on your food expenses.

The secret for a nonstop growing vegetable garden like this is first of all the soil. If you inspect the soil in natural woodlands, you'll see it's moist, loose and crumbly. You want to have this kind of soil for your garden to have it perpetually bursting with life. If you cannot collect it straight from the woods, you somehow need to produce it yourself. This actually is very easy and real cheap. You need to have constant supply of compost, which doesn't take much effort or a big investment to produce yourself.

You can start right now with composting.

Compost is the best and cheapest soil conditioner you can get. You don't have to buy compost unless you want to start your ecologically sustainable vegetable garden immediately.

First get two composting bins at a hardware store, preferably those you turn, or take any old containers with a lid and poke some drainage holes into them.

Use one for the breaking down of the materials, the other to fill with the broken down material. Also buy some manure if you don't have access to stables, dairies or chicken farms

Then start collecting all organic material that you normally throw into the waste. Organic material is anything that is or was once living or came from a living thing such as: fresh and dry grass clippings, kitchen scraps, shredded newspaper and leaves. Even meat that's gone bad, can be composted, although it takes longer to decay.

Thirdly: put the organic material into the compost bin in about 6 inches thick layers, varying the different materials. During dry spells you may have to moisten your breaking down materials, otherwise you just leave it to break down for 4 to 6 weeks, turning everything once or twice. That's it, real easy to make your own compost. Once it's ready, use it as top layer in your vegetable garden; don't dig it in.

Summing up this article:

Once you have soil like in natural woodlands, organic vegetables and fruit can be grown perpetually right through the year without any digging or weeding, since weeds don't like compost. A rich soil also does not need to be watered as much as poor soil. Composting is the start for ecologically sustainable gardening.

By implementing your own vegetable garden you not only advance your health, but can save a bucket full of cash on a monthly basis.
For a Review of a revolutionary method of vegetable gardening you can go to
Ecologically Sustainable Gardening

Hanne-L du Plessis has implemented her organic vegetable garden successfully in Namibia, a semi-desert country, to improve her own health and supply a balanced, organic diet to 35 exotic parrots. Her vision is self-sufficiency and living in harmony with nature. She was actively involved in Nature Conservation before retirement. Now she does her little part to save endangered species from extinction, provide a safe home for unwanted pets and teach the poor to become self-sufficient.

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